Thursday, December 14, 2006

This morning I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to the my cell phone ringing in my ear. It was my good buddy Michael Costa calling me to make sure I was up. We had a 6 a.m. rendevous time set for me to pick him up for one of our ongoing photo field trips (that sounds pretty lame huh?) (it really isn't... it's just a great time to go out and shoot for fun and work those creative juices!!)

This time we were in for a treat! The one and only Jose Villa was meeting Michael and myself in Solvang to take us on a photo safari sunrise shoot in and around the Santa Ynez Valley.

We had soooo much fun, and hanging out with these two amazing photographers was truly inspiring!

I can't wait to see what pictures they post up on their blogs!


  1. Your so awesome Timmy!!!! Great usual ;)

    Thanks for the caht time last night, I gleaned so much from both you and cheryl :)

  2. hahaha, the cow... thats priceless!

    Glad to see you're out n about taking photos!

  3. So psyched you're reading the Kite Runner. It's like sharing memories with someone... or something.

    Glorious photos, the tree one could be a t-shirt, or a post card, just crack open a fortune cookie, cut, and paste.

  4. Ooooh, I love that third to last one (tree in the big field). Reminds me of an impressionist painting... but more beautiful than a painting! Go Tim - way to keep it real and fresh!

  5. Great photos! Love the cow and the one above it :).

  6. i really love the vertical one of the wheat: the third one from the bottom. they all seem like they're glowing. really beautiful work..
