Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Wow... I had the most amazing conversation with Deyl Kearin and Mark Kuroda this morning over breakfast at Finestra Cafe!

Deyl is amazing with investments and was giving me some great insight into my own money matters.

I was truly inspired this morning to really get on top of owning and destroying my debt (which as a former Brooks student I have plenty of) so that I can begin to build investments in the future.

I went ahead and called all of my credit card companies and found out some really scary news... I've got INCREDIBLY high interest rates... it's amazing what they're able to charge for these things.

So, it's time to pay down the debt. I wish I could come up with something brilliant like the "One Red Paper Clip" guy who was able to start trading with one red paper clip, and without spending a dime, finally was able to trade for a house. Crazy thing is, it only took him 1 year and ONLY 14 trades to realize his goal. Brilliant! Who would have thought the idea of a neighborhood kids game "Bigger or Better" would equate to something so big!

Anyone want to trade me for a compact flash card case?


  1. Hmmmm one compact card case....

    I'll give you one red paper clip....


  2. hmmmm what does the card case look like?

  3. interesting, you want to save money and pay your loans, but you like to eat on fine restaurants.

    Good, good.


  4. Fine food is an investment ;-)

    And if you've ever eatin Arigato Sushi you know what I'm talking about.

  5. Thank you for your continued help with everything. Extraordinarily kind, as well as metro! Are you getting a manni or a peddi anytime soon?

  6. ... if it were only sooo easy. you are on the right track. you will be so thankful when you finally get there. my brother is a financial advisor and he is amazing! it is great to have people in your life that help you keep your priorities straight. One step at a time.

  7. Yeah, that was a blast. we need to do that again! Pay off the bad debt this year! blessings :)
