Friday, January 12, 2007

It happened, they put my picture in the Wall Street Journal.

No, it's not a feature article about my photography (maybe one day though!)

Actuall, the article is about how people are catching their fellow citizens in the act of breaking the laws, and basically enforcing the laws themselves by posting pictures and videos to the internet.

I guess Jennifer Saranow of the Wall Street Journal was working on this article when she came across a video on youtube that I posted of my previous neighbor stealing my newspaper.

Well, a few weeks ago, she called me and interviewed me about my little video and ended up sending a photographer to my house to take a few pictures of me re-enacting my little sneaky sneaky video efforts.


  1. So cool! NY Times! The video was kinda vague though. Who cares you're in the NY Times. Manly pink by the way.

  2. That is freaking AWESOME!

    I hope nobody thinks YOU are the snoop next door! LOL....

  3. haha! so cool your in the wall street journal!

  4. Hahaha HOW RAD!!!!

    Im going to starbucks now to go buy one!

    You are awesome!

  5. Oh my gosh that's awesome, you have to frame that! That's a huge pic too! How funny

  6. Wow... soo amazing. Small world! I remember the post from waybackwhen!
    You never knoww..... ; ) I am sooo smiling.
