Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wow, after being featured in the Wall Street Journal last week for a video I published on You-Tube last year, I was contacted this week by a producer at ABC working on a similar feature for Nightline.

Tonight's Nightline ran a few clips from the video of my 50 year old neighbor (maybe even 60 year old) stealing my newspaper, hilarious!

I think I'm going to have to start video taping more funny things I see. Now if only someone would pick up on my buddy Blaine's mullet collection! That'd be brilliant to feature on TV! (I think he seriously has a collection of mullet pictures numbering in the thousands!!!)


  1. Wow! They took that way out of context didn't they?!

    Anyways... you're becoming (in)famous!!!! lol

  2. Was beginning to wonder as I watched the footage... then there you were at the very end... how cool. So funny - life is just fun isn't it?! :)

  3. haha... i haven't taken the mullet collection public yet, i've just been posting teasers now and then... but when i'm done it's gonna be SWEET!

  4. Congrats on the exposure Tim. That's awesome, and it's so freakin' hilarious!!! LOL I remember seeing that post in OSP last year.
